Microsoft News of the Day – Microsoft Xbox News

July 31, 2024

The ongoing outage impacted cloud-based services spanning Microsoft-owned products, including 365 services like Outlook email, Xbox Live, and …

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Microsoft 365 is experiencing outages on its email servers and Xbox and Minecraft services. +3. View gallery.

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Xbox One Consoles Stuck in a Digital Limbo Microsoft's original Xbox One was a digital titan, but now shows the problem of current-gen consoles.

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Microsoft has confirmed it's having issues with its 365 and Xbox platforms this afternoon and is investigating the problems.

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Xbox, which is owned by Microsoft was impacted by the outage. Azure. Azure, also known as Microsoft Azure, is a cloud computing platform and a …

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It was the end of an era yesterday as Microsoft officially shut down the Xbox 360 Marketplace just shy of its 20th anniversary.

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This permanent closure has brought with it an unforeseen consequence: Microsoftxbox 360 cierre bazar xbox live cambios interfaz. Full screen.

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In this future, the core operating system of the hardware would be dynamic and scale to match the device using a future flavor of Microsoft's Windows …

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As of now, Microsoft has not revealed any information about what caused the issue or released any potential fix. However, considering that the bug …

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Microsoft has been informed by Digital Foundry, and the tech website is confident that things will be remedied. Don't Reset Your Console Just Yet. Per …

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